Also in the same year of 1997 they bought Bullfrog Productions, just to kill them off in seven years, and to destroy first the Dungeon Keeper tri-quel, and then the series as a whole. Only there is a publishing house, aka Electronic Arts, which likes to suck out the souls and kill everything that is bright, good, kind, clean, and just working. Syndicate, Theme Hospital, Theme Park – the names that everyone who caught the era of great games of the 90s knows. Dungeon Keeper – a great strategy from the great people of Bullfrog Productions, a British developer studio founded by Peter Molyneux. In 1997, when the three-dimensional games were rare, this game came out, and it’s still a rare gem. Ah, the “good” old Dungeon Keeper, where are you now? Overthrowing tyrants, killing monsters, rescuing beautiful innocent maids, serving justice, keeping one’s honour, being righteous, honest, open and daring, protecting the weak from the villains and giving all treasures to the poor… Ugh, I’m going to be sick! My world is nothing like this! I’ve locked these characters in the dungeons, stolen the loot, slept on treasures, swelling from my own greed, killed those who interfered with me, drove my minions and fell asleep under the soothing whistling of my servants’ whips that were cracking in my lovingly rebuilt guest torture room.